This book provides insight on how to successfully start a business and still maintain a high quality of life. People start businesses to improve their lives, not the reverse. Yet often entrepreneurs find themselves consumed by their businesses.
Don’t make that mistake. Buy this book and learn these secrets of success.
Excerpts of the book:
Chapter 4: Strong Mind, Body and Spirit= Strong Business
“There is a certain level of confidence and bravado present in almost every entrepreneur and small business owner that I have ever met. A willingness to go against the odds. A willingness to accept the challenge to do the impossible.”
Chapter 5: Balancing Family, Friends and Entrepreneurship
“The rewards of owning your own business are great. But it is not worth the risk of damaging the relationships with loved ones. You will have to be deliberate and work on keeping your relationships with those you love intact.”
Chapter 7: Nine Essential Mindsets for Entrepreneurship
“Habits and the way that we think, more than anything are what govern our lives. Yet we give little time to developing good ones. In order to be successful in entrepreneurship you have to develop good habits and ways of thinking.”